// Sgt.h
#pragma once
class Sgt {
static Sgt& GetReference()
return instance;
Sgt() = default;
virtual ~Sgt() = default;
static Sgt instance;
// Main.cpp
Sgt Sgt::instance;
int main()
auto& sgt = Sgt::GetReference();
C++17通过引入Inline Variable(内联变量)
// Singleton.hpp (Author: Deyou Kong, Date: 2021-06-25, MIT License)
#pragma once
// Singleton base class, allow to use C++ CRTP.
template <typename T, int N = 0>
// Allows to specify the value of N to achieve
// a special scenario that there are different
// instances of the same type, breaking the
// singleton limit.
class Singleton {
static T& GetReference()
static T instance{};
return instance;
T& operator()() const
return reference;
static T& reference;
// If there is a class B that inherits class A,
// and class A inherits from Singleton<A>, and
// then an instance of B is created, then there
// will be two instances of A, one for Singleton<A>
// created in Singleton<A>::GetReference(), and
// one is in the B instance. So the singleton
// class is Singleton<A>, not A.
template <typename T, int N>
T& Singleton<T, N>::reference = Singleton<T, N>::GetReference();
这个Singleton采用C++的奇异递归模板模式(CRTP, Curiously Recurring Template Pattern),假设类C期望实现为一个单例类,一般写成下面的形式。
class C : public Singleton<A> {
class D {
Singleton<int, 1> inlineStaticValue1;
Singleton<int, 2> inlineStaticValue2;
enjoy~ 模板的妙用让head-only更简单~